Sunday, 23 December 2012

I have a DREAM!

Assalamualaikum wbt...

my entry for today is about DREAM!everyone have a dream right?so its same with me.i have a dream to. but this entry its not talking about DREAM but i want to share a lyric of a song title that singing by westlife is "I HAVE A DREAM". i love this song damn much because when i hear this song it would be give a spirit to me get my DREAM! so now lets to conscientious with the lyrics.


I have a dream, a song to sing 

To help me cope with anything 

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 

You can take the future even if you fail 

I believe in angels 
Something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels 
When I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream

I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through a reality
And my destination makes it worth the while 
Pushing through the darkness
Still another mile

I have a dream!

thats it! I hope that one day my dream will be achieved. In shaa ALLAH. i just can pray and strive to achieved my dream.

P/S: lastly from me is plezz PRAY for GAZA & Pray for me success in my study at KTT in course ART & DESIGN..amiiin..

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